The series «Devastation» • 2019

exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник
exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник
exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник
exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник

🇺🇦 Серія колажів «Спустошення», 2019.

Цифровий друк, 70х100см.

Гіперболізація дитячих іграшок, знайдених у дитячому садочку міста Прип'ять, у поєднанні з індустріальними спорудами п'ятого реактору Чорнобильської атомної станції, — як шана усім дітям катастрофи.


Ці роботи про незахищеність дітей перед діями, помилками дорослих.


🇬🇧 The series «Devastation», 2019.

Digital printing, 70x100cm.

The photos were taken at the Pripyat kindergarten and at the fifth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Hyperbolization of children's toys in combination with industrial facilities as a tribute to all children of the disaster.

These works are about child insecurity against the actions of adults.


exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник
exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник
exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник
exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник

 🇺🇦 Проект був здійснений в рамках першої у світі мистецької резиденції “Made in Chernobyl” у зоні відчудження. 


🇬🇧 The project was implemented as part of the world's first art residence “Made in Chernobyl”  in the Exclusion Zone. 


exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник
The project page in the art directory.







2019 (23.11.2019 - 08.12.2019)


🇬🇧«Made in Chernobyl», Kyiv History Museum. Kyiv, Ukraine.


🇺🇦 «Made in Chernobyl», музей історії Києва. Київ, Україна.

exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник
exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник

exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник
exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник
exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник
exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник

exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник
exhibition, Made in Chernobyl, Museum of History of Kiev, Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl, Pripyat, art residency, contemporary art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, Ольга Дрозд, Ольга Дрозд художник